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Events & Meetings - Month View

The event calendar shows upcoming club events. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move between dates. Click on the event to view more information, including the event description, times, location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen. Click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar to see search and filter options.
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February, 2025

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The Integrated Webservices (IWS) server, allows you to easily create API’s using RPG programs and even SQL statements. This IBM server has been around for a number of years and is part of the operating system.
When I speak with customers it amazes me, the number of companies that aren’t aware of this versatile server or don’t use it. The session will show you how to configure, install a service program and consume a number of customer API’s.
• Understand the process and various options when setting up the IWS Web Server.
• Internalize the use of service programs that can be used for a web service.
• Properly write a RPG service program to produce API’s
• Understand how to consume a web-service using technologies like PHP.